The Man Who Wouldn't Quit
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The Man Who Wouldn't Quit
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Author Cherie Espinosa
To some the name Don Espinosa doesn't mean anything, but to thousands of people around the world, it is the name of a great hero of faith. A man whose unwavering faith and trust in God brought him through many trails and hardships. He'd come from a very difficult childhood, suffering rejection on many different levels. He had been an atheist, and by the age of twenty-six, was so steeped in sin that his life had completely spun out of control. Only a Sovereign God could save him and make something useful of this life. God gave him a love for souls, and by His wonderful grace Don was instrumental in winning thousands to Christ in Argentina. He went through countless trials, injuries, illnesses, and unimaginable pain, but he just wouldn't quit or give up. Under similar circumstances most men would have just tossed in the towel, so to speak, and said "Enough is enough." His many physical challenges, his perseverance and commitment to Christ kept him from giving up the good fight of faith. He remained faithful teaching others by example, that through the mercy and grace of God, you do not have to quit when things get difficult. You will be challenged when reading this book to continue fighting the good fight, to finish your course and to keep the faith.