Push Yourself

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  • Push Yourself

Push Yourself

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Intentional self-motivation for Christian workers. 182 pages of leadership values with the over-riding theme of pushing yourself to use them all.
Effort-Fulfillment-Out Achieving Myself-Strategy-Decisiveness-Vision-Increased Passion-and More!

What's inside the book:
Effort proves the stuff you are made of!
Fulfillment keeps the dreams alive!
Out achieving myself is the best comparison!
The greatest mover "The Mission"!
Influence pushes others longer than you can live!
Developing strategy gives me the green light!
Decisiveness gets me off the dime!
Evaluation initiates greater achievement!
Focus keeps me on target!
Innovation will solve my problems, pushing me forward!
The team will take me there!
Vision keeps my dreams in sight!
Using time wisely stretches my days!
Increased passion moves me!
Reading inspires me, motivates me, and pushes me!
Clarifying my role settles my to-do list!

ABB Thomas author

215 pages
Faith is your supernatural push!
Goals push me out of my comfort zone!
Refusing to put the lid on pushes me above ordinary!
it takes self-discipline to push yourself!