Order In The Church: A Manual For Church Ministries, Revised 2ed

$ 29.95 USD
  • Order In The Church: A Manual For Church Ministries, Revised 2ed

Order In The Church: A Manual For Church Ministries, Revised 2ed

$ 29.95 USD


Order in the Church (Revised Second Edition) A Manual for Church Ministries by Paul Chappell

Just as the Apostle Paul challenged Titus to "set in order the things that are wanting," so every informative chapter of this manual will provide you with helpful, hands-on strategies for planning, developing, and executing ministries of the local church.

This book includes ministry manuals for practically every area of local church ministry, with practical instruction to systematically reach a community for Christ, disciple new believers, and involve a church family in the many aspects of the work of the ministry.

(272 pages, hardback)

ISBN: 978-1-59894-288-0