Once Upon a NON-Time

$ 14.99 USD
  • Once Upon a NON-Time
Once Upon a NON-Time Once Upon a NON-Time

Once Upon a NON-Time

$ 14.99 USD


25 Christmas Stories for Kids: An Illustrated Christmas Advent Book

by Ryan Rench

Illustrated by Anna Rench

Once upon a non-time... there is God.  That’s a funny way to start, but the CHRISTMAS STORY is no ordinary tale!  ONCE UPON A NON-TIME is a book of 25 Christmas stories for kids—one story per day starting December 1st.  Each story is easy to read in one sitting and includes a stunning watercolor painting to highlight the day's theme.  Kids of all ages will enjoy this book!  Each story is as true-to-life as possible, blending biblical and historical accuracy with everyday human emotion.

• Easy-to-read daily stories

• Interactive questions

• Bible characters made real

• Whimsical yet realistic paintings

• Preschool and older

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Wm Rench
The grandkids love it!

A colorful and enjoyable journey through the biblical accounts of the events of the birth of our Saviour into the world. Its a 25 day countdown to Christmas devotional for reading to the children or grandchildren.
Doubtless, you'll be knowing I have some degree of bias concerning the author and illustrator!