Minerals for the Mind

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  • Minerals for the Mind

Minerals for the Mind

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Minerals for the Mind—A Study of Romans 12

Author: Kathy Ashley

Our Creator designed the miraculous machine we know as the human body. Even before Adam and Eve were formed, God created the minerals crucial to their development and physical maintenance. God placed minerals in soil and rock and designed them to be absorbed by plants and consumed by animals, thus providing for man to lead a healthy life through a balanced diet.

Much like these substances keep our body at peak performance, Romans 12 gives us a framework for the New Testament Christian’s walk. Much of Paul’s writings focus on the mind of the Christian and offer us spiritual minerals intended for daily intake through the reading of God’s Word.

This in-depth analysis of Romans 12 will give you a new outlook on how the earth’s minerals help our bodies function and how the Minerals of the Mind found in the Bible will keep you at optimal health levels as a Christian through a healthy spiritual diet.

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