Managers of Their Schools

$ 25.00 USD
  • Managers of Their Schools

Managers of Their Schools

$ 25.00 USD


Author: Steven and Teri Maxwell

Managers of Their Schools is a practical, how-to-homeschool, confidence-building book, written by homeschool parents with thirty years of experience. They can help you sleep peacefully each night knowing that your children are learning and being well-prepared for life.

In this book, Steve and Teri share the benefits their family has gained from using textbooks. They review other methods and how textbooks favorably compare with them. There is a chapter written by four of their adult children sharing some of their homeschool thoughts, particularly with regard to using Christian textbooks. One of the chapters is directed specifically to dads and another one to moms. The appendix of Managers of Their Schools includes ten of their school schedules, assignment sheets, a listing of the school curricula and resources they use, plus coupon codes for discounts on some of them, and their reading criteria.

ISBN 9780977142071