How to Quit Smoking Without Pills, Pain, or Panic

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  • How to Quit Smoking Without Pills, Pain, or Panic

How to Quit Smoking Without Pills, Pain, or Panic

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Pyle, Hugh

Nicotinenis now being called the most addictive of drugs. In 1988, USA TODAY reported that smoking now contributes to 320,000 premature deaths each year. 

A Washingto report states that cigarette smoking causes more illnesses and death than all other drugs.

The cigarette companies spend millions each year telling us how glamours and exciting it is to smoke. In this pamphlet, Dr. Pyle tells us the truth. With many frightening stories and statistics he reveals the real costs-in lost money,  lost health, and lost lives. 

Dr. Pyle shows us the way to escape. The time to stop is now, and here is a way to quit smoking without pills, pain, or panic.