Heartbeats of the Holy

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  • Heartbeats of the Holy
Heartbeats of the Holy Heartbeats of the Holy

Heartbeats of the Holy

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by Keith E. Knauss

Before God works THROUGH a man, He works IN a man, because the work that we do is the outgrowth of the life that we live. Little wonder that Alexander Whyte told a group of theological students, "A congregation is awaiting you, to be made by you, after you are made by God."

Whatever "call" a man may pretend to have, if he has not been called to holiness, he certainly has not been called to the ministry.

Keith Knauss provides the insight and means of becoming the kind of man that the Lord wants us all to be--HOLY. May the gracious Holy Spirit be pleased to take this presentation of thought gathered from holy men of God and capture their heartbeat for us. May He see fit to stir the fires within our hearts and renew our determination to magnify our office, to give ourselves up to God's work, to labor in season and out, to do good, and give no offense that both the ministry and ourselves be lifted up above all faultfinding of fair-minded men.

2009, 104 pages, 6 x 9, paperback