Guided by the Shepherd

$ 10.00 USD

Guided by the Shepherd

$ 10.00 USD


Guided by the Shepherd

Our Family's Journey Through Cancer

by Vickie Jett

Three family members diagnosed with cancer in fewer than five years. We were afraid. We did not even know how to pray sometimes. Trust God? But why? We have no idea how He could ever bring us through this. And so we would cry out again, and God would hold us in His arms as a gentle shepherd would his lambs and answer, “Just trust Me.” And so we did. This journey was in God’s hands, and He has certainly taken care of our family and taught some life-changing truths along the way. The purpose? That God would get the glory! That is our prayer in sharing our family’s testimony—that God alone may get the glory. We have been faithfully, lovingly guided by God, our Shepherd.


132 Pages