From One Church Planter to Another
by James Rasbeary
Personal Experience and Practical Help for Independent Baptist Church Planters.
From the Author's Preface:
Each church planting experience is unique, involving different preachers, locations, challenges, times, and resources. Each church plant has its own unique story, which ought to be told. By sharing these experiences, we equip future church planters with the perspective, confidence, and guidance they need to navigate their own journeys with faith and resilience. This is our story.
When my wife and I started Lighthouse Baptist Church in October of 2000, books on church planting among independent Baptists were few and far between. We read what we could find and listened to those who had successfully started independent Baptist churches. Since then, increased accessibility to affordable self-publishing options has led to many church planting volumes on the market, including the one before you. The church planter has more resources at his disposal than ever.
I have written this book for three reasons. First, there is a need for church planting material written by and for independent, fundamental Baptists. Second, our experience may be of help to you as you follow God’s will in starting a church. At least, you may learn some things not to do. Third, some church planting courses and books go no further than the first services. However, our goal is to plant a church that becomes established – independent, autonomous, firmly rooted in Christ, carrying out the Great Commission of our Saviour. Therefore, I’ll be sharing thoughts from two decades of our experience, not just the first months.
Most of all, I hope you will be encouraged! Churches can be started despite limited means. Whether the sending church is large or small, whether you have help or not, whether you have a wealthy benefactor or work a full-time job – God has unlimited power and resources. He wants to do great things in and through our lives. This is our testimony, based on what God has done in our lives. This is our story: from vision to victory.