Finley, Martha, Enter the character-building Christ-centered world of Elsie Dinsmore. These 19th-century fictional chronicles of a beautiful young heiress in the post-Civil War South have captivated generations of 10- to 14-year-old readers eager to follow Elsie's life from childhood to motherhood and beyond. The story of the next generation of the Travilla family is continued in Hendrickson Publisher's exclusive reprints of original editions. Each book features a new custom cover illustration.
Elsie's Widowhood, Book 7 Edward and Elsie's daughter, young Elsie, is saddened by a separation from her beloved Lester, who is studying art in Italy. Shortly after Lester leaves for Europe, the family is devastated by Edward's sudden death. Elsie finds solace in the comfort of her father, Horace Dinsmore, and, more important, in the everlasting arms of her heavenly Father. The knowledge that Edward is in heaven with loved ones who have gone before is a great consolation to the Travilla family, but they struggle nonetheless to deal with the loss of husband and father.