Soul Stirring Songs And Hymns - Spiralbound

$ 24.00 USD
  • Soul Stirring Songs And Hymns - Spiralbound

Soul Stirring Songs And Hymns - Spiralbound

$ 24.00 USD


by Dr. John R. Rice

Spiral-bound edition of one of America's best loved and widely used hymnals keeping alive the music of John R. Rice and the great songs of the Fundamental Christian faith with close to a million copies in print. We took our classic hymnal and gave it a completely revised and updated look, but you'll find the same wonderful hymns of the faith that Christians love to sing. Discover for yourself the great music, the quality workmanship and the remarkable value. Hymnals are the 1989 edition. Hymnals do not match song per song of the 1972 edition.

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Lukfata Baptist Church

Received it quickly.