A Word to the Wise

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  • A Word to the Wise

A Word to the Wise

$ 19.95 USD


A Word to the Wise
Practical Advice from the Book of Proverbs
By Paul Chappell

If there is one asset we need on a daily basis, it is wisdom. Every day we face challenges that can only be navigated successfully with God’s wisdom. Thankfully, God makes His wisdom incredibly accessible through His Word. We have only to open its pages, allow the Holy Spirit to apply its truth to our hearts, and act on its counsel.

In this power-packed daily devotional, each page shares a nugget of wisdom from the book of Proverbs. Written for the practically-minded Christian, each reading concludes with a distilled truth that you can immediately apply to your life. Let God's wisdom from the book of Proverbs equip you for the challenges of your daily life. 

Contents include:

  • Scripture Memory Tips
  • How to Lead a Person to Christ
  • Verses Remembered by Effective Christians
  • The Effective Christian’s Daily Bible Reading
  • One-Year Bible Reading Schedule
  • 90-Day Bible Reading Schedule
  • Daily Devotions
  • Scripture Index

(424 pages, hardback)