Your Faith Affects Your Family, Vol 2

$ 10.00 USD
  • Your Faith Affects Your Family, Vol 2

Your Faith Affects Your Family, Vol 2

$ 10.00 USD


by Ruth Ann Larkly

Christian women seeking a better understanding of how living their faith affects their influence on family members and others found guidance and encouragement in Ruth Ann Larkly's first devotional book for women, Your Faith Affects Your Family. Now in her second book, she provides additional inspiration for Christian women through examination of the lives of twelve women in the Bible. The actions of these women in the Biblical accounts provide guidelines for Christian women today to make application to their own daily living . Every woman can live an important and influential life for God, including you. This study is an opportunity for you to discover or to reinforce ways in which your life can be a positive influence on your family and beyond. You will be an influence, so why not allow this book to help you be assured your life of faith is making a positive influence?

ISBN 978 0 9859895 1 4